Register to read and discuss the following seminal works, among many more canonic texts not listed below.

Critical Chapters

Basic Analytic Concepts

Mode of Production/Structure and Superstructure -
Karl Marx (1859) - (from) A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
Frederick Engels (1894) - (from) Letter to Heinz Starkenburg
Antonio Gramsci (1929-35) - Structure and Superstructure
Charles Horton Cooley (1897) - The Process of Social Change
Jane Addams (1909) - The House of Dreams
John Dewey (1925) - Nature, Communication, and Meaning
W.E.B. Du Bois (1926) - Criteria of Negro Art

Capitalist Accumulation, Surplus Value, Commodity Fetish -
V.I. Lenin (1913) - Marx’s Economic Doctrine
Karl Marx (1867) - The Mystery of the Fetishistic Character of Commodities
V.I. Lenin (1916) - The Place of Imperialism in History

Classes, The State and Civil Society -
Frederick Engels (1888) - (from) Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy
Antonio Gramsci (1934-5) - History of the Subaltern Classes: Methodological Criteria
V.I. Lenin (1917) - Class Society and the State
Antonio Gramsci (1930-4) - Hegemony (Civil Society) and the Separation of Powers

Ideology -
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels (1845) - Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas
Antonio Gramsci (1929-35) - The Concept of “Ideology”
V.I. Lenin (1913) - National Culture
Antonio Gramsci (1929-35) - The Formation of the Intellectuals

Theory, Practice, Relations of Force -
Mao Tse-Tung (1937) - (From) On Practice
Antonio Gramsci (1933-4) - Analysis of Situations, Relations of Force
Robert S. Lynd (1940) - Democracy in Reverse

The Bourgeois Ideology of Communication

General Concepts -
Armand Mattelart (Chile, 1971) - Communication Ideology and Class Practice
Malcolm M. Willey, Stuart A. Rice (1933) - The Integration of Communication
Alaine Locke (1934) - Toward a Critique of Negro Music
Dallas W. Smythe (Canada, 1971) - The Political Character of Science (Including Communication Science) or Science is Not Ecumenical
Sidney Finkelstein (USA, 1968) - McLuhan’s Totalitarianism and Human Resilience
Paul F. Lazarsfeld (1941) - Administrative and Critical Communications Research
Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno (1944) - (From) Dialectics of Enlightenment

Public Opinion -
Pierre Bourdieu (France, 1972) - Public Opinion Does Not Exist
Harold Lasswell (1927) - The Results of Propaganda
Edward L. Bernays (1928) - Manipulating Public Opinion: The Why and the How
Alfred McClung Lee, Elizabeth Briant Lee (1939) - (From) The Fine Art of Propaganda

Journalism -
Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR) (Chile, 1971) - On Journalism and Objectivity
Gunnar Myrdal (1944) - The Negro Press
Theodor W. Adorno (1945) - A Social Critique of Radio Music
Norbert Wiener (1948) - Information, Language, and Society
Bernard Berelson (1949) - What ‘Missing the Newspaper’ Means
Newton Minow (1961) - Television and the Public Interest

“Mass” Culture -
Leonardo Acosta (Cuba, 1973) - Mass Media and Imperialist Ideology
Michele Mattelart (Chile, 1971) - Notes on “Modernity”: A Way of Reading Women’s Magazines
Henri Lefebvre (France, 1958) - Work and Leisure in Daily Life
Max Horkheimer (1941) - Art and Mass Culture
Julian Sorell Huxley (1947) - Mass Media
Louis Wirth (1948) - Consensus and Mass Communication
Dwight Macdonald (1953) - A Theory of Mass Culture
Elihu Katz, Paul F. Lazarsfeld (1955) - Between Media and Mass
Daniel Bell (1956) - The Theory of Mass Society: A Critique
C. Wright Mills (1956) - The Mass Society

The Formation of the Capitalist Mode of Communication

The Rise of Bourgeois Hegemony -
Robin Murray, Tom Wengraf (UK, 1970) - Notes on Communications Systems
Franz Mehring (Germany, 1900) - In Memory of Gutenberg’s Five-Hundredth Birthday
Robert Escarpit (France, 1965) - The Mutations of the Book
Jurgen Habermas (FRG, 1964) - The Public Sphere
Yves De La Haye (France, 1977) - The Genesis of the Communication Apparatus in France

Colonialism -
Amilcar Cabral (Cape Verde Islands, 1972) - The Role of Culture in the Liberation Struggle
Renato Constantino (Philippines, 1970) - The Mis-Education of the Filipino
Carlos Ortega, Carlos Romero (Peru, 1976) - History of the Evolution of Mass Communication in Peru
Pierre Frederix (France, 1959) - Agence Havas

The Industrialization of Communication -
V.I. Lenin (1916) - The Division of the World Among Capitalist Combines
J.D. Bernal (UK, 1953) - Electric Light and Power
Stuart Ewen (USA, 1969) - Advertising as Social Production
Noobar Retheos Danielian (USA, 1939) - American Telephone and Telegraph Co.: Science in Business
The Film Council (UK, 1974) - A Brief History of the American Film Industry
Rolf Lindner (FRG, 1974) - Fifty Years of German Radio
Raymond Williams (UK, 1974) - Institutions of the Technology
Marshall McLuhan (1952) - Technology and Political Change
Harold A. Innis (1950) - Industrialism and Cultural Values

Fascism -
Robert A. Brady (USA, 1937) - The Arts and Education as Tools of Propaganda
Derrick Sington, Arthur Weidenfeld (UK, 1942) - Broadcasting in the Third Reich

Monopoly Capitalism/Imperialism and Global Ideological Control

The Concentration and Standardization Process -
Free Communications Group (UK, 1970) - The Grade Dossier
Rene Peron (France, 1976) - The Record Industry
French Communist Party Committee of Chaix Printers (France, 1976) - The Book: The Workers Struggle Against the Crisis, Waste, Monopolies and Authoritarianism
Armand Mattelart (France, 1977) - The Geopolitics of Paper
Robert Bonchio (Italy, 1973) - Publishing in Italy

The Implantation of the New Technology -
Judy Strasser (USA, 1971) - Cable TV: Stringing Us Along
Manuel Janco, Daniel Furjot (France, 1972) - Computers: Historical Conditions and Profit Realization
Jean-Michel Caroit (France, 1977) - The Computerization of a News Agency: The Example of AFP
Armand Mattelart (France, 1977) - The Satellite System

The Imperialist Communication System -
Maolsheachlainn O Caollai (Ireland, 1975) - Broadcasting and the Growth of a Culture
Science For the People (USA, 1972) - Science as Cultural Imperialism
Louis A. Perez, Jr. (USA, 1975) - Underdevelopment and Dependency: The Colonial Construct of Tourism
Herbert I. Schiller (USA, 1975) - Genesis of the Free Flow of Information Principles
Rafael Drinot Silva (Peru, 1973) - Advertising: The Production and Consumption of Daily Life
Thomas H. Guback (USA, 1973) - Film as International Business
Samuel Perez Barreto (Peru, 1973) - Plaza Sesamo in Peru

The Militarization of Culture -
James Aronson (USA, 1970) - The Making of Joe McCarthy
Phong Hien, Le Van Hao, H.N. (Vietnam, 1974) - Aspects of Neocolonialist Culture
Carol Brightman, Michael Klare (USA, 1970) - Social Research and Counterinsurgency
Armand Mattelart (France, 1977) - Notes on the Ideology of the Military State

Critical Cultural Studies - gender & sexuality

Patricia Hill Collins - The Politics of Black Feminist Thought
Emily Martin - Premenstrual Syndrome, Work Discipline, and Anger
Rosemary Hennessy - Reclaiming Marxist Feminism for a Need-Based Sexual Politics
Angela Y. Davis - Public Imprisonment and Private Violence: Reflections on the Hidden Punishment of Women
Ellen M. Wood - Capitalism and Human Emancipation: Race, Gender, and Democracy
Johanna Brenner - Intersections, Locations, and Capitalist Class Relations: Intersectionality from a Marxist Perspective
Meera Nanda - Women and the Third World: Exploring the Dangers of Difference
Julie Sze - Expanding Environmental Justice: Asian-American Feminists’ Contribution
Mary F. Rogers (2001) - Contemporary Feminist Theory
bell hooks - Feminism: A Movement to End Sexist Oppression
Gwendolyn Mikell - African Feminism: Toward a New Politics of Representation
Noël Sturgeon - Ecofeminist Appropriations and Transnational Environmentalisms
Margaret D. Stetz - Wartime Sexual Violence Against Women: A Feminist Response
Anne Koedt - The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm
Monique Wittig - One Is Not Born A Woman
Audre Lorde - I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities
Gayatri Gopinath - Funny Boys and Girls: Notes on a Queer South Asian Planet
Karin Aguilar-San Juan - Going Home: Enacting Justice in Queer Asian America
Cheshire Calhoun - Separating Lesbian Theory from Feminist Theory
Maxine Baca Zinn, Bonnie Thornton Dill - Theorizing Difference From Multiracial Feminism
Uma Narayan - The Project of Feminist Epistemology: Perspectives from a Nonwestern Feminist
Nancy C.M. Hartsock - The Feminist Standpoint: Toward a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism
Chandra Talpade Mohanty - Feminist Encounters: Locating the Politics of Experience
Donna Haraway - Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective
Judith Butler - Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory
Carolyn Sorisio - A Tale of Two Feminisms: Power and Victimization in Contemporary Feminist Debate
Kamala Kempadoo - Globalizing Sex Workers’ Rights
Chandra Talpade Mohanty - Women Workers and Capitalist Scripts: Ideologies of Domination, Common Interests, and the Politics of Solidarity

Critical Cultural Studies - Race

The Combahee River Collective - A Black Feminist Statement
Donna Kate Rushin - The Bridge Poem
Mitsuye Yamada - Invisibility Is An Unnatural Disaster: Reflections of an Asian American Woman
Gloria Anzaldúa - La Conciencia de la Mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness
Marie-Aimée Hélie-Lucas - The Preferential Symbol for Islamic Identity: Women in Muslim Personal Laws

Critical Media Studies

Godwin C. Chu - Revolutionary Language and Chinese Cognitive Processes
Everett M. Rogers - The Rise and Fall of the Dominant Paradigm
Herbert I. Schiller - Electronic Utopias and Structural Realities
Chin-Chuan Lee - Economic Dependency and Cultural Imperialism
David H. Weaver - Media Agenda-Setting and Media Manipulation
Philip Elliott - Press Performance as Political Ritual
Maryann Yodelis Smith - Research Retrospective: Feminism and the Media
Peter Dreier - The Position of the Press in the U.S. Power Structure
Herbert I. Schiller - The Privatization of Information
Philip Elliott - Intellectuals, the “Information Society” and the Disappearance of the Public Sphere
James W. Carey - Overcoming Resistance to Cultural Studies
David Morley - Cultural Transformations - The Politics of Resistance
Michael Gurevitch, Paddy Scannell - Canonization Achieved? Stuart Hall’s “Encoding/Decoding”
Stuart Hall - The Rediscovery of ‘ideology’: Return of the Repressed in Media Studies
Gaye Tuchman - The Symbolic Annihilation of Women by the Mass Media